store access time

英 [stɔː(r) ˈækses taɪm] 美 [stɔːr ˈækses taɪm]

网络  存储访问时间; 存储存取时间; 存储器的存取时间



  1. Memory is the best persistent store for a cache because access time is ( practically) instantaneous and RAM is typically plentiful ( or cheap to amass).
  2. When the first data management systems emerged in the 1960s, disk drives were the only place to store and access large amounts of data in a reasonable time.
  3. The application will store all this information on the Web ( not on your mobile phone) and you can access it any time; it's like having your own nutritionist and personal trainer.
  4. The ability to store test leads without first detaching them and access them easily by means of a sliding cover reduce setup and cleanup time.
  5. It can store huge amounts of various forms of information. Users can access it easily through network, and the access is not limited with time and space.